News & Events
If You Bite It, Write It
Perception is not always reality. When I ask my weight loss clients whether they track their food intake, they often roll their eyes and tell me that it’s too tedious of a task to undertake and they dread having to do it. But when push comes to shove, to be successful...
Family History and Cancer
What Is Family History of Cancer? Your family medical history is a record of diseases and conditions that run in your family, especially among close relatives. You may share similar genes, habits, and environments that can affect your risk for getting certain...
5 Ways to Prevent Allergies and Asthma Attacks at Home
If someone in your family has allergies or asthma, make your home a healthier place by getting rid of the things that can cause allergy symptoms or an asthma attack. What can cause allergy symptoms or an asthma attack? Things that can cause allergy symptoms are called...
What is a skin cancer screening?
What is a skin cancer screening? A skin cancer screening is a visual exam of the skin that can be done by yourself or a health care provider. The screening checks the skin for moles, birthmarks, or other marks that are unusual in color, size, shape, or texture....
Anyone Can Get Skin Cancer
Is it true that only people with light skin get skin cancer? No. Anyone can get skin cancer. It's more common among people with a light (fair) skin tone, but skin cancer can affect anyone. Skin cancer can affect both men and women. Even teenagers and, rarely, younger...
U.S. National Parks Challenge
Starts May 6th! Join our next team step-challenge on Aetna VirginPulse as we gear up and get out to virtually hike some stunning U.S. National Parks. From desert canyons to seaside cliffs, this journey is one for the scrapbooks. During this six-week challenge, we’ll...
How Much Do You Know About Skin Cancer?
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Are Overnight Oats Safe to Eat?
Oatmeal has always been a hot topic when it comes to nutrition. One of the latest crazes is actually “cold” oatmeal, otherwise known as overnight oatmeal or overnight oats. This really isn’t something new, it’s just a resurgence of a classic with a new name. Have you...
Plants Over Pills
If you think popping a multi-vitamin or vitamin C tablet daily will prevent you from getting a chronic illness, think again. While nearly 50% of Canadians and over 65% of Americans take vitamins, minerals, antacids or other nutritional supplements, most science does...
Stay Ahead of Spring Allergies
More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies every year. In particular, springtime allergies are an annual nuisance for many people. As plants begin to bloom and neighbors start to cut their grass more frequently, allergy sufferers nationwide start sniffling...
Yogurt and Sugar
Yogurt has been around for thousands of years, at least since 6000 BC. The word yogurt is believed to come from the Turkish word “yog`urmak,” which means to thicken, coagulate, or curdle. Most yogurt today is made from cow’s milk fermented with Lactobacillus...
Arc WC Employee Health Fair – May 10th
You won’t want to miss this! Participate in free wellness screenings, connect with local vendors, check out the food and fitness demonstrations, and enter prize drawings for gift cards, a gym membership, an Instant Pot, a bicycle or other fitness equipment, plus...