News & Events

Get Inspired: Liz Farmer’s 184.5 Miles on the C&O Canal

Get Inspired: Liz Farmer’s 184.5 Miles on the C&O Canal

Riding a bicycle has always been one of my favorite things to do and I got interested in bike touring and multiple day riding when I became involved with the Cumberland Valley Cycle Club. I rode locally as part of the "social ride," a 12 to 17 mile ride close to...

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May is National Bike Month

May is National Bike Month

May is National Bike Month, an event sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists to showcase the many benefits of bicycling — and encourage more folks to giving cycling a try. In 2014, the City of Hagerstown was honored by the League of American Bicyclists with the...

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The Benefits of Farm to Table

The Benefits of Farm to Table

You can dine “farm to table” when you purchase seasonal foods from farmers you know or when you visit restaurants/stores that promote local foods and develop relationships with local farmers. Farm to table isn’t a fad; it’s a growing movement that is found throughout...

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E. Coli: What is it and Why is it Important?

E. Coli: What is it and Why is it Important?

If you enjoy including Romaine lettuce in your salad, you’ve most likely noticed the empty spaces in the grocery store produce aisle where Romaine used to be found. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USDA), and...

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Simple Solace from Stress

Simple Solace from Stress

Stress creeps up on all of us, whether we know it or not. Sometimes we recognize the hard times while they’re happening; other times we don’t realize things are getting out of control until we feel overwhelmed. Fortunately, people aren’t locked into a certain level of...

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Reserve Your Biometric Screening by April 27

If you have Aetna health coverage through The Arc of Washington County, or if you’re one of the first 50 employees who are not enrolled in Aetna to register, you can receive a FREE confidential biometric wellness screening at The 6th Annual The Arc WC’s Employee...

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Snack Smart When You Have Diabetes

Snack Smart When You Have Diabetes

Snacks have been dubbed “the fourth meal” because we consume one quarter of our calories between meals. Though many people think that snacking frequently is good for blood sugar control, weight management, and overall health, researchers have never identified an ideal...

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Don’t Let Allergies Get You Down

Don’t Let Allergies Get You Down

It’s April and the outdoors is calling. Gardening, hiking, evening walks, spending time with family and friends... But it’s hard to watch a sunset through watery eyes, and it’s hard to talk to loved ones when you’re sneezing your heart out—and unfortunately, it’s also...

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The Other Kind of Green

The Other Kind of Green

Budgets are useful for every walk of financial life. Whether you’re worried about your finances, don’t know where you’re at, or simply looking to improve your situation, tracking and planning your spending will help you save more money. Keep reading for a few tips and...

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How Well Do You Know the Fruit Group?

How Well Do You Know the Fruit Group?

Think you know your apples from oranges? No need to go bananas trying to prove you're one in a melon when all you need to do is take this simple quiz from Orange you glad you love fruit? [wp_quiz id="2222"]

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Nutrition Science or Fiction?

Nutrition Science or Fiction?

Think that juicing all your food or following a gluten-free diet will cure all that ails you? Or that coconut oil is the new avocado? Think again. While food fads come and go, the science behind them is not always that convincing. A new analysis of scientific evidence...

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March is National Nutrition Month®

March is National Nutrition Month®

Whether it's starting the day off right with a healthy breakfast or fueling before an athletic event, the foods you choose can make a real difference. Preparing your foods to go further by planning meals and snacks in advance can also help reduce food loss and waste....

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