News & Events

Raising the Protein Bar

Raising the Protein Bar

I’m always amazed when I ask my high school nutrition class which nutrient is needed in the highest amount in their diets. I expect to hear, “water or carbs”, but time and time again, my students tell me protein. Of course, we need protein, but of the 3...

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The Best Defense Against Lyme Disease

The Best Defense Against Lyme Disease

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month Prevention is key in the fight against tickborne disease Tickborne diseases are on the rise and prevention should be on everyone’s mind, particularly during the spring, summer, and early-fall when ticks are most active. From May...

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National Women’s Health Week 2021

National Women’s Health Week 2021

National Women’s Health Week (NWHW) is a weeklong health observance led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health (OWH). The week May 9-15, 2021, serves as a reminder for women and girls, especially during the outbreak of COVID-19,...

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This Month: Add a Vegetable

This Month: Add a Vegetable

When discussing healthy eating, fruits and vegetables are usually talked about together. According to the Produce for Better Health Foundation,  regularly eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables supports both short-term needs (such as immune function and...

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5 Reasons to Plant Your Own Garden

5 Reasons to Plant Your Own Garden

Gardens are great, and now is the time to get planting! Below, check out the five reasons to grow a garden, along with suggestions for what to grow and how to grow it! Why Grow a Garden? A garden is a wonderful thing to experience as a family. You will be making...

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Self-Care and Your Mental Health

Self-Care and Your Mental Health

More than half of adults in the United States will experience mental illness—which refers to a variety of conditions that affect one’s mood, behavior, feelings or thinking—at some point in their life. Mental illnesses can occur occasionally, while others are chronic....

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7 Tips for Cleaning Fruits, Vegetables

7 Tips for Cleaning Fruits, Vegetables

Fresh produce can become contaminated in many ways, but following these simple steps can help protect you and your family from foodborne illness. Federal health officials estimate that nearly 48 million people are sickened by food contaminated with harmful germs each...

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Is It Seasonal Allergies or COVID-19?

Is It Seasonal Allergies or COVID-19?

It’s that time of year again, and folks are asking what should they do when they have symptoms of seasonal allergies during what is still a pandemic. If you have seasonal allergies, here are some precautions you can take to stay safe and help keep others safe: Do NOT...

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Where and How to Dispose of Unused Medicines

Where and How to Dispose of Unused Medicines Is your medicine cabinet full of expired drugs or medications you no longer use? Your medicine is for you. What’s safe for you might be harmful for someone else. The best way to dispose of your expired, unwanted, or unused medicines is...

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Go for Fruit

Go for Fruit

Nutrition and health experts agree about the importance of fruits and vegetables in our diets. The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans stress the positive health outcomes of adding these plant foods into to a healthy eating plan. Generally, fruits and...

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Great American Adventure – May 3 through June 13

Great American Adventure – May 3 through June 13

Start your engines! Team up to trek across the United States — from New York City to Hollywood! Your crew is taking a virtual walk from coast to coast in six weeks, unlocking American sights and nine cities along the way! Ready to start? The challenge is FREE and open...

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