Sweet peapods on the vine announce the start of the spring growing season. This green legume is loaded with A, B-1, B-6, and C.

One cup of green peas has 46% of your RDA of vitamin K-1, known for maintaining bone health and helping blood to clot. Peas are high in fiber and low in fat. Plus, they’re a good source of vegetable protein.

Did you know that a 100-calorie serving (3/4 cup) has more protein than 1/4 cup of almonds or a tablespoon of peanut butter? No wonder peas were favored by the ancient Egyptians, who buried them in their tombs for use in the afterlife. Were you the kind of kid who pushed them, uneaten, around your plate? It’s time to reconsider this vitamin powerhouse. Give peas a chance.

Source: WebMD