Cacao, Cocoa, Chocolate, and Your Health

At first glance, cacao and cocoa almost seem like the same word, but technically they describe two different products. All chocolate comes from the cacao plant, an evergreen tree that grows to 15 to 25’ feet tall and which is found in countries near the equator (such...

Keen on Quinoa

Truth be told, I mispronounced quinoa for years as que-noah. This powerhouse of a grain is considered a ‘pseudocereal’ related to spinach and amaranth and deserves more respect. Its correct pronunciation is keen-wah and it’s worth getting to know its health benefits....

WHO’s Advice on Non-nutritive Sweeteners

From saccharine to stevia, artificial sweeteners (AKA non-nutritive sweeteners or NNS) have been around for decades and used by many to control calorie intake or blood sugar. For the most part, artificial sweeteners are on the FDA’s GRAS (generally recognized as safe)...

Digestive Diseases 101

May is Digestive Diseases Awareness Month. What do you know about digestive diseases? For a comprehensive rundown of digestive diseases, check out this A-Z list from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. To help raise awareness of...

Take Healthy Steps at The Arc Employee Wellness Fair on 6/23

Please join us for our annual Arc Employee Wellness Fair on Friday, June 23. Visit with local vendors, find out information about your health, check out the demonstrations, and enter prize drawings for gift cards, a gym membership, nutrition and fitness equipment,...

How to Incorporate Prebiotics Into Your Eating Pattern

Now that you know what prebiotics are (and the positive impact they can have on your health) it’s time to talk about incorporating them into your eating pattern. Here are some ideas: Build your meals and snacks around plants, filling 75% of your plate with...