Frozen Seafood: A Heart Healthy Menu Option

The American diet tends to be high in saturated fat from everyone’s favorite foods like cheeseburgers, hot dogs, fried foods, and heavy desserts. The new Dietary Guidelines recommended consuming no more than 5-6% of daily calories from saturated fat, but many...

Raising the Protein Bar

I’m always amazed when I ask my high school nutrition class which nutrient is needed in the highest amount in their diets. I expect to hear, “water or carbs”, but time and time again, my students tell me protein. Of course, we need protein, but of the 3...

Quick Pickles

Here is a fun project to make quick pickles using fresh fruits and vegetables and a little vinegar. The process of quick pickling adds a super crunch and intensifies flavors but without all the salt and time-consuming processes of regular pickles. PLUS having these on...

How to Veg IN

In a perfect world, everyone would embrace vegetables like they were chocolate cake; chomping at the bit to get another bite in. The reality is that a mere 9.3% of US adults meet the US Dietary Guideline for vegetable intake, according to the CDC. That means over 90%...

Summer Scalloped Potatoes

This dish has all of the favorite summer ingredients!   Summer Scalloped Potatoes 2 cups red potatoes (sliced, with skin)1/2 cup red onion (sliced)1/2 cup red bell pepper (sliced )2 ears corn (kernels only)1/2 pound asparagus spears (fresh)1 medium carrot (peeled...